Fast Return on Investment

SPIDERCOOL pays for itself the first day just in peace of mind. We’ve heard this from more than one customer.
But we know peace of mind won’t satisfy the accountants. They will ask “How does it increase revenue?” or “How does it reduce expense?” SPIDERCOOL does both.
How about increasing operator efficiency 10%. Or a 20% increase in tool life. 10% more spindle up-time. Optimizing feeds and speeds by 5%. Reducing setup times by 30%. Reducing Scrap. Running unattended throughout the day.
While the numbers vary per application, simply put, SPIDERCOOL helps your Fanuc Robodrill generate more revenue per hour, at a lower cost. Don’t forget the wildcard, which is reducing risk of operator injury.
On average, SPIDERCOOL will pay for itself in six months or less on a single shift application. Even if you double that to a year, it’s still a shop investment that simply shouldn’t be overlooked. How many other products can have such a wide ranging impact? Not many.